Shelter to Soldier™ Color Pages for our Littlest Supporters!
March 15, 2018
We all know the importance of service dog education, especially amongst our youngest animal welfare ambassadors. For this reason, Shelter to Soldier™ service dog recipient and Veteran Advocate, Vic Martin, created this amazing color page for our littlest supporters. Its a great way to open up the conversation with them about the incredible role of service dogs and the etiquette with which we should treat them in public. Have fun and make sure to #SavingLives2ataTime to show us your colorful creations on Facebook and Instagram! On April 14th we will announce a winner to receive a STS trucker hat or t-shirt! Open to all ages 12 and under for the drawing, but anyone may participate in the activity and hashtag. Enjoy!
Downloadable PDF link below: